maandag 7 oktober 2013

Day 3 Emergency Pediatrics

Patient 1: Abscess in nose
Had to put child under to incise, drain and clean it out.
Pharm: Ketamine and propofone for anesthetic

Patient 2: DDH & bilateral clubfoot
1st treated the DDH and then the clubfoot
Pharm: ketamine, clean the metal cast, tighten

Patient 3: 6 Month baby girl found in bed by babysitter not breathing: SIDS
CPR for 40 min. in ambulance
5 Dr in ER working on her giving CPR, 02, IO fluids.
epidemiology: SIDS is low in Israel compared to rest of world(0.5/1000 vs 2/1000) due to decreased risk factors.
Was not able to save her life :(
Was able to handle it without getting emotional, death is a part of life and i have already accepted it...maybe i will feel different if I was the resident fighting for her life.

Patient 4: Fever 3 days
take blood, IV incase need fluids, biochem incase dehydrated and blood test, CRP, ect...

Patient 5: Respiratory Distress
Blood saturation 91-92
Gave Solmedrol, benzone steriod

Patient 6: Laryngeal tracheobronchitis- inspiratory reactive airway disease (like asthma, but not called asthma in young child)
Notice the different sound vs viral associated airway disease (more wheezing vs low pitch)
give prednisone 

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